Press release: The Millman Experience and Richard and Pat Millman are joining Scenic City Squash in Chattanooga!!

We are excited to announce that the Millman Experience will be moving to a new home as of February 27th 2017. Richard Millman will be joining Scenic City Squash in Chattanooga Tenessee as Director of Squash and Pat Millman will be joining him as Assistant Director. The Millman Experience will have its new base ofContinue reading “Press release: The Millman Experience and Richard and Pat Millman are joining Scenic City Squash in Chattanooga!!”

Philosophy, Analysis, Practicality, Strategy and Execution in Squash. A five part series by Richard Millman. Part 2: Analysis

Phlilosophy, analysis, practicality, strategy and execution in Squash. A five part series, by Richard Millman. Part 2. Analysis As I said in the first of this series of five articles, the central pillar and most important priority in the game of Squash, and indeed in the struggle for life itself, is survival. This powerful andContinue reading “Philosophy, Analysis, Practicality, Strategy and Execution in Squash. A five part series by Richard Millman. Part 2: Analysis”

Credit where credit’s due

Credit where credit’s due. I have been criticized recently for seeming to be harsh in my criticism of some of the decisions and choices that those in positions of power in our sport have either made or failed to make. I am not a competitor in a popularity contest. I have been a Squash professionalContinue reading “Credit where credit’s due”

Are Women worth the same money as Men in Squash?

Before I give you my two cents worth on this so called ‘Debate’ that has somehow gained some traction on websites recently, I want to say ‘Hats off’ to Kevin Klipstein and US Squash. Kevin and I don’t always see eye to eye, but in this matter, in my humble opinion, he and the associationContinue reading “Are Women worth the same money as Men in Squash?”

A Day Trip to Aosta – part of the World Masters Games experience

A day trip to Aosta. After a wonderful party with seventy or more of the World Masters Games Squash players that featured a seemingly endless Turinese dinner so typical of Italy – more of a fiesta than a meal – Pat and I walked the fifteen minutes or so through the classically porticoed – ‘thoughContinue reading “A Day Trip to Aosta – part of the World Masters Games experience”


Thoughts on the American Squash game from an International viewpoint; What can we do to help our sport move forward? ‘O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!’ Robert Burns, from his poem ‘To a Louse’ I am not entirely sure that I can justly claim ‘an internationalContinue reading “Evolution?”