Press release: The Millman Experience and Richard and Pat Millman are joining Scenic City Squash in Chattanooga!!

We are excited to announce that the Millman Experience will be moving to a new home as of February 27th 2017. Richard Millman will be joining Scenic City Squash in Chattanooga Tenessee as Director of Squash and Pat Millman will be joining him as Assistant Director. The Millman Experience will have its new base ofContinue reading “Press release: The Millman Experience and Richard and Pat Millman are joining Scenic City Squash in Chattanooga!!”

Wonderful weekend for the Millman Experience…….

Coaching is a very full life and at times extremely demanding. But every once in a while the fruits of both the coach’s and the student’s labors offer sweet rewards. Such was the case for me this weekend. Simultaneously I was running a Millman Experience training weekend in The Research Triangle area of North Carolina,Continue reading “Wonderful weekend for the Millman Experience…….”

Philosophy, Analysis, Practicality, Strategy and Execution in Squash. A five part series by Richard Millman. Part 2: Analysis

Phlilosophy, analysis, practicality, strategy and execution in Squash. A five part series, by Richard Millman. Part 2. Analysis As I said in the first of this series of five articles, the central pillar and most important priority in the game of Squash, and indeed in the struggle for life itself, is survival. This powerful andContinue reading “Philosophy, Analysis, Practicality, Strategy and Execution in Squash. A five part series by Richard Millman. Part 2: Analysis”

The Millman Experience weekend club program

Are you a club, school or college that is interested in being at the forefront of development and entertainment in Squash?

Philosophy, Analysis, Practicality, Strategy and Execution in Squash. A five part series by Richard Millman. Part 1: Philosophy

Phlilosophy, analysis, practicality, strategy and execution in Squash.A five part series, by Richard Millman. Part 1. Philosophy As I write, that extraordinary railway terminus in New York, Grand Central Station, and more particularly the wonderful Vanderbilt Hall, is once again echoing with the ‘thud,’ ‘thud,’ ‘thud,’ of a rubber ball against glass walls. For thoseContinue reading “Philosophy, Analysis, Practicality, Strategy and Execution in Squash. A five part series by Richard Millman. Part 1: Philosophy”

The Millman Experience

The Millman Experience   I’m here at the US Junior Open coaching several of my up and coming students. Between coaching assignations, I have been watching the other games and today I hit on something that may be of interest to you. It was certainly interesting to me. The quality of play here continues to escalate;Continue reading “The Millman Experience”

The Millman Experience – St Luke’s School, New Canaan

 Really grateful for the opportunity to work with dear friend Coach Brian Mathias as we take the Millman Experience back to St Luke’s School, New Canaan CT at the invitation of Brian and Millman Experiencer Jen Gabler!


Recently the Professional Squash Association announced appreciable increase in the prize money funds of both the Men’s and Women’s professional squash tours. Within a few days of this announcement several other related announcements were made. First, the National Governing Body of English Squash, England Squash and Racketball and their parent body, Sport England released alarmingContinue reading “Balance”