Here’s my latest article from Squash Magazine: 

      Righty Tighty


      Published by millmansquash

      Richard Millman, a world renowned Squash Professional, has trained children, high school students, and adults to achieve all levels of proficiency and realize the enjoyment they derive from squash. A multiple time National Coach for the United States, Richard has steered many teams to championships and successes! His students include British Junior Open Champion, Michelle Quibell, as well as multiple National junior and adult champions. With his wife Pat, England’s 2010 Captain of the Ladies over 55+ team, and 2010 US National Champion over 55, Richard brought his vision and enthusiasm for this sport to the United States. A regular contributor to Squash Magazine, Richard is also the co-author of "Raising Big Smiling Squash Kids," with Georgetta Morque, and "Angles, A Squash Anthology." Richard's 30 year love for Squash is infectious. His love for kids is infectious. Put these two loves together, and you can't help but want to get involved as well.

      One thought on “

      1. Richard, read your article. There is no dispute that sustained solo practice at high quality levels will generate rewards in any sport. So , observing the microcosm of Meadow Mill Squash club, do I see players regularly soloing? Very few. Probably less than 5%. Of these , how many hours a week ? Maybe , 1-2 hours /week for 99% This leaves 1 or 2 players who may solo between 2-3 hours /week on a good week. The quality of these solo sessions is questionable. So why do most players not solo? So why do players solo? And why does none of the soloists come close to the bar you have set? Sent from my iPad


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